Friday, March 21, 2014

Seriously Farkel

It was Farkel Friday at work today.  It's a dice game where different numbers and combinations add up to points. You do have to keep score and be able to add up to 10,000, otherwise it's quite simple. To "farkel" essentially means you lose your points for that round. So, the 3 shop girls today were playing by the register. We had many amicable (word of the day) conversations with customers about Farkel and more quick transactions so we could get back to it. We also had many strange looks from customers due to our comments throughout the game - "Heather just farkeled again."  "I farkeled, you're up." "Why am I the only one who farkels?"

The shop owner is in her late 60's, very kind, fit and active and really a great boss. She loves to laugh and her customers loyalty in unparalleled. After lunch we were all in the back working on a large copy job. My co-worker had to hit the pound key on the copier to tell the machine to continue. She said to me, "I wonder why they call it hashtag and not just pound sign?" Our boss, who is catching on with most of the web savviness that comes with owning a shop, but has no idea what a hashtag is. So we tried to explain it to her. "When you want to exclaim something quickly and in few words that other people can search on". We gave examples such as #itsfriday, #sunsshining, #winewiththatcheese. She sort of shook her head like she didn't really get what we were saying and then said "So, it's like hitting enter on your thought." The pound button is traditionally used on phones to mean enter (think "enter your pin and then hit the # button") and on copiers it is essentially the enter button as well. I never thought of the hashtag as "enter" but love that a 69 year old can simplify it better than any of the rest of us. Still would love to know why they call it a hash vs the number symbol vs the pound sign.


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