Sunday, June 15, 2014

Seriously Fitting?

Well, Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. May your day be filled with good weather, good company and good spirits!  Unfortunately, I will not get to see my own dad (he lives 600+ miles away).

To hubs - who is the greatest! It may not be the most ideal Father's Day in all of history but we do hope you enjoy it in the best way that you can. Here is the breakdown -

6am-11am - golf with his buds

11am - 11:45am - late breakfast with his kids

11:45am - 2:30pm - Hubs tends to his garden and reads the paper while his girls are backstage helping at the little kids dance recital

2:30-3:45am - picnic lunch in the car outside the recital theater. Talk about family fun!

4pm - 8pm - Hubs will nap and perhaps watch some sports and perhaps start dinner while the girls and I are at dance recital

8pm - 9pm  - late dinner as a fam and then bed - it is a school night around these parts.

So,  he gets approximately 3 hours with his kids today. Not really sure if that's what Father's Day is all about, but at least he gets to skip sitting through recital 2 days in a row-  maybe that's the most fitting Father's Day gift of all?

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