This post may make you uncomfortable because I am going to talk about my hoo hoo, you know, my beave. So, if this is the future and you are my dad or any male relative that stumbled upon this post (anyone beyond 2nd cousins are fine) stop reading now. I have adequately warned you.
At the ripe old age of 40, I decided to get my first ever bikini wax in preparation for my girl's weekend with my college housemates next week. I always wondered what all the hype was about and if it really is better than just shaving. So these are my take-a-ways from this experience.
1. Why do women succumb themselves to this torture every 3 weeks for their entire adult lives during bathing suit season? Hot wax, the most sensitive part of your body, and the eye watering, clenched fist rip of what feels like your entire top layer of skin, 15 times in a row. I still cannot believe I was not oozing blood.
2. "Isn't this so much better than razor burn" says the technician. Um, jury is still out on that one. I did have what appeared to be razor burn or it must have been 'open pore burn' for 2 days afterwards. The red, splotchy, swollen skin around my lady parts lasted for days and days. Razor burn if treated correctly is not so bad (Aloe Vera lotion right after the shower, then air dry for at least 10 minutes - Yes I am an expert, I have had 27 years experience with shaving this area and I have extremely sensitive skin). With the wax job my reaction was so bad, I had to apply bacitracin for the first 2 days before I could even switch to Aloe Vera.
3. Maybe it is just my skin. I did have one brow wax about 13 years ago that also ended very, very badly as the swollen, red space above and below the brow caused me to wear a baseball cap for 3 days until I would allow anyone to actually look me in the face.
4. I also had no idea that a standard bikini wax in which I kept my undies on, resulted in a landing strip. Four days later and hubs just starts laughing out loud when I get out of the shower. Not because he doesn't like it, but because he knows how sensitive my skin is and how many horrible cosmetic and adhesive reactions I have had over the years, this is just another something to add to the growing list of stupid heather decisions.
5. I am so glad I rescheduled this for 8 days before my girl's weekend and not the day before as I had originally planned. One little checkmark for me :).
6. I keep finding strays that the technician missed so every time I get out of the shower I am using tweezers to finish the job.
7. No one told me it could lead to bruising...
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Enjoy your day!
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