I left work early today because I got a phone call from school that MK had a red, sore throat. We went to the doctor and the rapid strep came back negative, she has no fever, so let's hope this is nothing and some hot tea and sleep will do the trick before we head out for our trip.

When we got home, it felt like the perfect time to watch a movie she got for Christmas, that we had not watched yet, "Stand By Me". You know, the one from 1986 with River Phoenix (Chris), Corey Feldman (Teddy) and Jerry O'Connell (Vern), and...hmmm, I forget who played Gordie. This may have been my favorite movie as a kid (with Goonies close behind) and hence why MK got it under the Christmas tree. I feel it is a sentimental right of passage for her to watch this with me and someday in a few years I hope to watch it with Car also. It is rated R (which I was shocked about and don't remember this being the case when I was twelve) and it does have a lot of bad language but that's it. Anyway, this was my first "Hollywood" crush - River Phoenix. My first boy poster in my room, I watched the movie over and over with my BFF and could sing all the 1950's songs and remember all the quotes. I was a sophomore in college when he died, and actually cried over my nostalgia (word of the day) and that it was River that died, because when I was twelve I really felt like I loved him and I knew if he ever met me, he would love me too.
Here are some of my favorite quotes that really could just be some of my "life" quotes now, so listen up:
Gordie: Do you think I'm weird?
Gordie: No man, seriously. Am I weird?
Chris: Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird.
Teddy: This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth, and I'll only be young once!
Chris: Yeah, but you're gonna be stupid for the rest of your life.
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