So, approximately 6 short weeks ago I was quite uncertain about my life, well guess what dear readers (hmm, well still hoping for some) I got myself a j-o-b. Yup, I actually worked 5 hours yesterday and will get a paycheck to prove it. So, after contemplating my options, plus my wants and my "dreams" I asked at a small shop in town if they needed part-time help. So, yes it is retail, but at least it is "mom and pop" retail. And, I can't beat the hours 9-2 two days a week. 10 hours a week. Perfect. I am not really messing with my kids life (unless they have off school one of those days then they will just have a wing it for 5 hours without me- plus they can walk down and visit me)
One of those crazy "dreams" would be to open a small shop someday in a small town (like the one I am currently residing in). So I have lots of ideas about what I want in this shop that I have already named - gratitude - with a daisy dotting the i - I want wine, coffee, music, yarn, books, artistry, etc but I figure I should really see what it's like to work in a small shop in a small town, so here we go. Hoping I don't actually want to check this one off my list in 3 months. So I was quite proud of myself for sending two faxes, pricing out chocolate milk flavored straws, arranging earings in a display case and ringing up 8 customers without jamming the register! I was still home for some puppy time before the kids got off the bus and we made it through homework, dance classes and dinner and I only needed one 20 minute nap in the midst of all that jazz (pun intended). This working thing is exhausting, apparently my body was not quite ready to enter the very part-time work force. Maybe Friday will be better? At least I have 3 days in between to recover, seriously!
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