The first night in a hotel north of Baltimore, I almost threw in the towel and drove home. I had taken a course that day at the Culinary Institute across the river from us (1 hr drive) so we didn't start our road trip until 5pm and I had already driven 100 miles that day. There was a wedding group staying at the hotel, so as each guest arrived back to their room anytime between 11:30pm and 3am, my dog went ballistic. I actually had to get up and walk her at 2:30am. It was not pretty. Plus, I had snuck her in, so I was so nervous that we would get caught. Day 2, after approximately 2 hours of sleep, we took the long way around DC but had no traffic and made pretty good time down to my college roommates house south of Raleigh. After a great overnight visit, we made the final push to my parents. We spent 5 days there and had fun with my brothers and my nephew and with my parents. We hit the beach twice, the pool numerous times, plus manicures with grammy and the golf range with grampy. All was good.
Then we split up the trip to Knoxville, TN by driving to my aunts' in Columbia, SC for an overnight. The only mishap on this leg was the pouring rain and my driving on the wrong side of the road at South of the Border. Other than freaking out my 13 year old co-pilot we were fine and I quickly pulled over for some disgusting tacos.
Knoxville for a visit with my grandmother was very low-key and relaxing. We did get the 87 year old and her walker out to the movies to see Maleficent and to dinner at Bravo. It was some good ole QT with the girls' great-grandmother. Hubs flew in after many flight delays, got 6 hours of sleep and then we drove all the way home. I logged approximately 1500 miles of driving on this trip which is approximately 1400 more than I drive on any family road trip we normally take. You see my patting myself on the back, right?!

Yup - my 10 year old just wants to have Rum. Mom of the year right over here! I guess our eyes saw something completely different and much more age appropriate.
I did grab my box cutter and worked some wonders if I do say so myself. There may be a few small holes, but at least she can wear it in public now. And, I do think this is something we will laugh about for the next 40 years.