Facebook updated its look again which drives me crazy (or I have a virus). It asked me all kinds of personal questions and since I am cooling down from a run, I actually answered them. Let's hope it was legit. As this update was occurring a very old post came up on the bottom of of my page. It was under Notes and was from January 2009 - FIVE years ago - I haven't seen it since. You remember - 25 Random Things About Me. It was really fun to read through it, reflect (word of the day) and contemplate what I would change today and honestly I don't know if I would change much. Here is the post -
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I love to cook and I love finding and making new recipes but if I could choose I would eat out every night.
2. I am the most accident-prone person I think I know, I've had 9 surgeries and a few new teeth.
3. Tom and I have moved 9 times and lived in 7 different cities in our 11 years of marriage, 8 of the moves happened in the first 6 years, so we've slowed down...
4. I want to do sports with my kids. I think it is a good way to connect with them especially as they get older, so we are working on biking, skiing, tennis and golf. So far they only like sledding.
5. I was a gymnast for 15 years of my life, I met Tom one month after I officially quit my sophomore year of college, so he never knew me as a gymnast.
6. I do tend to mix-up standard cliche sayings. My husband calls them "heatherisms" and has started writing them down for a book or a country song some day.
7. I truly enjoy the company of each of my inlaws, from Tom's parents to each of his 7 siblings and 2 spouses.
8. I am pretty sure I am allergic to being pregnant but am quite grateful to have 2 healthy beautiful little girls, regardless of what I went through.
9. I feel like I am just as close to my grandparents as I am to my own parents.
10. Even though I cannot carry a tune I have always thought being a backup singer would be the best job and if it happens to be after 1am and I've had a few drinks I like to practice this profession.
11. I just made snow ice cream for my kids this week for the first time. I made it the same way my mom did when I was a kid. It was delicious, I had 2 bowls.
12. I broke my neck on Friday the 13th when I was 13 years old doing my bar routine at Watkins Gymnastics in West Chester, PA.
13. I had my older daughter, Magdalen 13 years to do the day and she will turn 13 on Nov. 13 in the year 2013. It is not a Friday. weird, right?!
14. My entire 8th grade class (60+ kids) came to my house on a bus driven by Mr. Colliins to sing Christmas carols when I was recovering from my neck injury. It was simply the most embarassing moment in my life.
15. I have a turtle tattoo on my left hip named Bobo.
16. My goal is to give my children the same childhood I had growing up, i truly had an amazing childhood an can only hope that Tom and I can do and give as much as my parents did. And if we are able to give them more it will be to travel extensively and perhaps a car when they are 16 (the one thing I didn't have).
17. I love to plan everything and anything - trips, meals, outfits, furniture placement, parties, grocery lists, this, etc.
18. Getting tipsy with my husband is one of my favorite things to do.
19. We named our oldest daughter after a saint - my Catholic grade school in Wilmington, DE.
20. We named our younger daughter after a little girl from our neighborhood when we lived in Cincinnati. You know how when you hear a name and it just makes you smile as you think of that one person. Well, this hilarious yet devilish blond toddler used to chase dogs with sticks and we always wondered how her mother did it. The name just made us smile, so we used it.
21. Both of my girls' personalities completely epitomize their namesake. really. it's scary.
22. My kids are a complete source of amazement and awe to me. They are my joy 95% of the time and my frustration the other 5%. I love being home with them and feel fortunate that I can be (95% of the time)
23. I feel like I have been truly blessed with fantastic girlfriends in my life - from childhood to grade and high school, to college and in each move we have made. I just wish they all knew one another so I could plan a trip to see all of them at once.
24. I pray and think about (and worry about) my mom, my dad and my brothers every single day of my life.
25. I am excited to grow old with Tom. He is my best friend. I have a lot of plans for us after the kids grow up and leave us (well, hopefully they move out at some point)
My few 2014 Updates -
2. No new surgeries in five years, at least none that I can remember. But I have had 7 MRIs or catscans, 6 ultrasounds, 5 sets of X-Rays, 4 moles removed, 3 hospital visits, 2 heart tests and 1 spinal tap (you should sing it like partridge in a pear tree)
4. My kids like to ski and bike (sort of ) now, I actually don't think they like to sled anymore. Still working on golf, and tennis is o-u-t.
7. and 9. We have lost two of the most dear people in my life these past two years, my grandfather and my father-in-law. I still miss them both terribly.
11. I make snow ice-cream at least once every winter now!
13. MK survived her
13th birthday!
22. I am working part-time but it's when they are in school, so technically I am still "home" with them.